What is your name?
What is your Cultural Background?
my family history is Norwegian, Scottish and English. My parents, siblings and I were born in Australia so I feel like I've absorbed a mix of many cultural influences.
What does home mean for you?
Coffee & pastries in the sun with my son.

What has been your biggest struggle with becoming a Mother?
Surrender. In the early newborn days, to the monotony of being a stay at home mum, and now in toddler land the total chaos!
And your favourite part?
Experiencing the wondering of all the things; car keys to butterflies with him and feeling his excitement.
How do you ground yourself within the chaos?
Taking deep breaths, noticing the innocence and fun under the chaos and having some time for myself planned out regularly.

What makes you feel renewed?
A long bath with all of the cremes, oils and facial skincare routine.
Your favourite thing to do with your child?
We love hanging out at home together, playing in the garden or reading books in bed.
Your favourite scent, sound and taste?
Springtime Jasmine blossoms, the washing machine on a Sunday morning and melting butter on fresh crusty sourdough.

What is your favourite skincare ritual?
oil and gua sha.
Why do you prefer organic?
What goes into my skin touches his skin.

What are you most grateful for?
living close to the ocean and close to family.
How would you describe yourself before children?
A home enthusiast in terms of decorating and reconfiguring each room as often as possible. Very into flowers and growing my business. I loved cafe hopping as sport and all the “woowoo” things.
and after?
Similar but purchasing home things with sticky fingers in mind, selecting cafes with play spots (less hopping; one per outing), slightly more anxious but more in love than ever before.

What is something you would go back and tell your newly postpartum self?
cliche but ‘everything is temporary’
How do you find doing paid work while being a mother?
How would you describe your experience of childbirth?
Excitement, trepidation, relief.
Unexpected challenges, with a perfect baby result.