What is your name?
Christie Allen
What does home mean for you?
Home means whenever our little family is all together, in a safe, calm space even if that includes the toys scattered throughout the house!
What has been your biggest struggle with becoming a Mum?
Missing parts of my life pre baby, the things we take for granted like leaving the house in a flash without a second thought of what I need to take, socialising and staying out and having no rush to get home. But I wouldn’t trade my life now for the world!
And your favourite part?
Seeing my beautiful boys smile every day. Seeing him grow, evolve and learn new interactions with us. It makes all the hard times worth it when they’re beaming with joy.
The most unexpected aspect of pregnancy has been..
how much harder it is with a toddler. I definitely underestimated just how much harder and more tiring it is the second time around and also how my body has changed so much quicker!
And the best part?
Just knowing that our little baby will have the best big brother once she’s here. The countdown until they meet makes me so excited.
How is your second pregnancy different from your first?
With my first with Sonny I wasn’t sick. Sure the first trimester was exhausting, but I was never sick. However this time around I was sick every evening until recently (I’m now 26 weeks). My placenta is also at the front this time so feeling kicks took longer this time around as well! I felt Sonny very early, by 17 weeks!
Your ideal morning looks like…
Sonny sleeping until 7am (haha) hubby and I in the kitchen making some breaky with some music on and sitting down to eat breaky together and then heading to the park for a morning play. Nothing better.
How do you find balance?
It took me a while since having Sonny to find MY balance, but i do things like having some ‘me time’ at the end of the day once Sonny’s asleep, or asking the grandparents to babysit for a little so I can fill my cup by going for a massage or mani or even just a nap! My hubby and I utilise our village when we need to, that’s what they’re there for!
What is your favourite thing to do with your child?
I love taking him swimming, he loves the water it makes him so happy, and the park, he loves the park! One of my other favourite things is sitting in our rocking chair at the end of the day with his bottle before bed, just him and I and soaking in those last few cuddles.
Your favourite skincare ritual?
I’m currently doing very basic as my skin has done really well this pregnancy, but it includes Tatcha’s rice wash as my face cleanser and the Drunk Elephant Whipped Cream for moisturiser followed by Willow By The Sea Belly Butter and oil!
Why have you loved using Willow by the Sea products during pregnancy?
They smell amazing, they’re nourishing on my skin/belly, I love the butter how it melts into your skin as you rub it in, it’s lightweight and not oily.
What advice would you give to someone who is about to have their first baby?
Use your village! Lean on the help from your loved ones, say yes to the meals or the offers to help with housework, take it day by day and lastly embrace every moment because they grow so quickly. Your first baby is a huge learning experience, both you and your baby grow together and that’s pretty special.
How has having children changed you as a person?
It’s made me a stronger person. It’s made me realise what matters most to me and where my efforts belong and where they don’t anymore. Having children means you need to prioritise your time and I know now what I want to put my time into and what I don’t.
Child birth summed up in three words…
empowering, awakening and incredible!!! I had a beautiful birth and wouldn’t change a thing. I hope to be as lucky again this time around.