My name is Emma. I was born in Scotland and lived there until I was 17. While I love my Scottish heritage, the lifestyle here in Australia offers us so many more rich experiences. Additionally, my husband is Dutch.
My dream day involves waking up with my husband and son beside me. We’d head to the beach, feeling the sun on our skin and spending the day playing in the salt water with my little water baby. Then reading a good book, eating cheese and crackers for dinner before jumping into bed on some fresh sheets.

What feels like home to you?
As cliché as it may sound, for me, home is wherever my family feels relaxed and happy, together.
What has been your biggest struggle with falling or being pregnant?
My biggest struggle has been recognising how grown up my baby is, wrestling with the joy of experiencing it all over again, and facing the looming knowledge that things will change, requiring me to find a balance between my children.
And your favourite part?
Feeling their movements and wondering who they will be.
What is something you are trying to grow out of?
Worrying. I tend to worry a lot; it’s just in my nature. However, I’m trying to embrace the present moment and accept that some things are beyond my control.
What is the most important lesson you want to teach your children?
My husband and I always say that we don’t mind what he becomes or does, as long as he remains kind and true to himself.
What has been your favourite lesson learnt from growing babies and/or being a Mum?
Embrace the beauty of life’s simple moments and witness the boundless joy they bring to everyone.
What is something that you weren’t prepared for in parenthood?
How much my perspective on things would change.
What is something from your childhood that you will bring into your children’s?
Spending quality time with family and supporting them in whatever they want to do.
Your favourite skincare ritual…
Salt water and oils.
Why do you choose organic?
I have always had sensitive skin and I like to know what I’m putting on my skin.

Your favourite taste, sound and scent…
Warm tea in the morning, the crash of waves, and the scent of coconut.
What favourite piece of pregnancy or parenting advice do you always fall back on?
Trust your gut and don’t stress about seeking too many opinions.
How do you feel about child birth in 3 words…
Connected, strong and life changing