Name & Cultural background:
Ashlee & Australian
What home feels like to you:
Home is comfort, nurturing, supportive. It is a sacred space for me and no matter where I am living I am always intentional with creating an environment that feels like this to me.
Your dream morning looks like:
Slow. No alarms, allowing my body to wake up when it feels ready. Long morning showers. Skincare. Hydration and then a coffee sitting in the sun.

What has been your experience falling pregnant:
My experience falling pregnant was not planned but we were open to it happening in the right timing - we trusted that when it was meant to happen it would & it did. My pregnancy experience has honestly been the most beautiful experience. I have not been sick and I have felt well for most of my pregnancy. At 39 weeks, I am starting to feel uncomfortable and crying at the drop of a hat but I truly feel so grateful for my pregnancy experience and find it the most incredible thing how a woman's body allows her to bring life into this world.
What do you love most about being pregnant & growing life:
I have never felt more confident in myself & my own skin. I am in awe of women and what we are capable of. I love feeling my baby boy from the inside.
What has been the most surprising aspect of pregnancy for you:
The most surprising thing for me is the experience I have had being pregnant- I know each pregnancy is so different for each woman and baby but I had so much fear about pregnancy & birth initially because of having other’s experiences & fears projected onto me. Everything I knew about pregnancy was predominantly negative and this has not been my pregnancy experience at all.
When do you feel most like myself:
When I am in my own space - I love being in comfortable clothing and in an environment that feels grounding which is something I like to create in any space I live in. My home is my haven.
What is something from your childhood that you will bring in for your child’s:
In my childhood home we had a back sunroom where my mum had a record player and we would spend our days putting on record after record and I would be so content dancing, singing and being silly all day long. This was my childhood & I was so happy to do this all day everyday. I want to bring this same energy of playfulness & simplicity into my baby boy’s childhood.
The most important lesson you want your child to learn:
I don’t have any lessons as such - more so I just want to provide him with a safe space to have his own experiences and fully express himself.
Your favourite skincare ritual :
Moisturising, facial massage and spf. I like simplicity in my skincare, as long as I do these things each morning after a shower I feel like I’m ready for the day.
Why do you choose organic products:
I choose organic products because I know the importance of the integrity in what we put onto our skin. You get out what you put in. I also just feel better in myself knowing the quality of the ingredients that I am using on my skin. It’s important.
Your scent:
My favourite scent is something woody, spicy and grounding.
What am you most anxious about entering into this new phase of life:
Honestly probably the sleep deprivation and hormonal shifts that I don’t have control over.
What are you most excited for:
Meeting my baby boy, finally seeing his face and all his little features. I can’t wait to be a mum - I truly feel like I was made to do this and I fully welcome and embrace this new season of motherhood.
The best advice you’ve received for parenthood:
To listen to my own intuition over anything or anyone else.
3 words that sum up how you feel about childbirth:
Vulnerable. Wild. Soft.