What is your name and Cultural background?
My name is Ruby and I have a European background. I initially grew up in New Zealand, but moved to Australia for my schooling years growing up.
What has been your biggest struggle with becoming a Mum?
Feeling lost with my individual identity and working to find it again.
And your favourite part?
Being taught to appreciate and truly experience the smallest things by my little one

What did you find hardest with falling or being pregnant?
Being present and living in the moment, worrying about plans that couldn’t be set in stone.
And the best part?
The constant awe and amazement at growing and nourishing my baby in my belly.
How do you ground yourself within chaos?
Get outside with my little one and go for a walk, or even better a swim if possible!
Your favourite thing to do with your child?
Anything that brings him laughter and joy - his joy is what makes me happiest.

Your favourite skincare ritual?
As most mothers would probably agree, time for myself isn’t as generously given as I’d like, so my routine is pretty simple. Use a gentle gel cleanser twice, once in the morning, twice at night followed by a nourishing moisturiser (and SPF in the mornings)
Why do you prefer organic?
I prefer organic products as they are generally sustainable and environmentally-friendly.
Your deepest fear?
Becoming isolated from everyone I love.
What is something you are trying to grow out of?
Trying to please everyone, it’s important to set boundaries and say no sometimes.
The best advice you have received about parenthood?
Soak in (or accept and acknowledge) every single moment of parenthood, even the tough ones. Remember that everything shall pass, and one day you’ll blink and your child will be a fully-functioning adult.
What are you most grateful for?
My family of three, soon to be four.
How has having children changed you?
I’ve definitely become more patient, and I’ve learnt to set boundaries better with others.
How do you find doing paid work while parenting?
Both joyful, for the achievements I can contribute in my healthcare work, and sad, for all the momentsI miss with my little one.
Child birth summed up in three words…
Scary, beautiful and empowering.